Meatmaster AT

Premium pasture blend

  • Hardy, productive, perennial mix
  • Autumn-late spring growth
  • Opportunity summer feed without compromising persistence

Hardy beef and sheep blend

Developed for extensive areas with a typically low pH, or high levels of aluminium at depth.
Where other grasses struggle in wet, acid conditions, Advanced AT can offer a very productive
option. Howlong cocksfoot is included to colonise drier spots in an undulating landscape. Campeda and Monti subclovers have good tolerance to water-loggable, acidic soils and are prolific re-seeders.






MEATMASTER™ pasture seed blends are ‘ready to sow’, offering the latest pasture technology and best seed varieties. Choose between short term and permanent pasture for your rainfall zone,  paddock conditions and desired outcome.

MEATMASTER™ pasture seed blends are ‘ready to sow’, offering the latest pasture technology and best seed varieties. Choose between short term and permanent pasture for your rainfall zone,  paddock conditions and desired outcome.

MEATMASTER™ pasture seed blends are ‘ready to sow’, offering the latest pasture technology and best seed varieties. Choose between short term and permanent pasture for your rainfall zone,  paddock conditions and desired outcome.